
Tax Exemption

The Connecticut Dept. of Revenue Services (DRS) has established very specific rules with regard to purchases of "meals".
Please do not assume that your group meets the exemption requirements without contacting us first.

In-State Organizations:
If your organization is based in Connecticut, you must provide us with proof of either Connecticut sales tax exemption status (with a copy of your "E" permit), or Federal tax exemption status with a US Treasury Letter showing tax exemption under 501c3.

Out-of-State Organizations:
If your organization is based outside of Connecticut, then you must provide us with proof of Federal tax exemption status with a US Treasury Letter showing tax exemption under 501c3.  The Connecticut DRS will not recognize any out-of-state exemption permits at all, but will honor Federal Tax Exempt status.

Other requirements:
In addition to your proof of tax exempt status, there will be a specific CT exemption form that you will need to complete.  We can provide you with the proper form and answer your questions.